Week 12 Mkmma…Joy to the World…

Ultimately as we search for all there is to be had… Peace, love, acceptance… The one most desired is joy, happiness.  We seek it, wanting to find it, but we have had it all along. We read about joy, at this time of year… Joy To The world….Peace on Earth…. So many well wishes, and it’s that time of the year people get more depressed, commit suicide…not having a knowing of a way out from the personal self inflicted sadness….

Not knowing… That’s the main reason, not knowing we all can create our DMP(Definite Major Purpose). In creating this DMP, we practice many convincing acts  cards, posters, shapes…all through Mkmma teachings.  It is the best decision I have made for myself , opening my eyes, reprogramming my brain and reconditioning my heart!  I have my DMP written and studied and I have come in this 12th week to a practice more profound, that came naturally through digging deep and wanting to put into practice what I’ve been learning so far…  I mean really into practice  when I sit, when I read, when I see the mirror that is all for me, within… But when I’m “back in reality” is when the test really begins and the thankfulness the gratitude the sheer joy of knowing I AM DOING THIS!! I am living what I “preach” what I believe, what I read, what I envision  I am putting my power to work….  Easy?? Hell NO!!! and that’s where the joy comes in…when I can still smile when faced with challenges, adversity, pain, all those things that would keep me down and rob my joy… When I can be compassionate and loving, caring and practice what I have in my heart to give.  Especially when I give to those that are not very understanding or willing to enjoy my presence…and this is only my 12th week, it just gets better…all in my choice of putting into practice what I learned NOW!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!!! The Joy is within…it is here, in my knowing what I know and living what I desire…and get Joy from giving!!

May the Joy prevail…

Simply Magical… ❤️❤️


4 thoughts on “Week 12 Mkmma…Joy to the World…

      1. Master Key Alice1 Post author

        awww thank you so much…..I am a bit behind, due to unexpected surgery on my husband….and my blueprint is fighting me…LOL…my access to internet has been limited, but I will make sure to read yours, I am already so impressed… 🙂

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