Week 13 MKMMA…ME

Hi again everyone….today it is all about me. What do I hear with each webinar? It IS, always has been, about ME!! Not something I am used to, the old blueprint, putting everyone and everything first….but now with all the activities, some not as easy as others, but yet many activities, all geared to one thing, ME! I consist of many things, a subby(subconscious), a body, a spirit, a soul, a heart, a brain… a future ME, but yet all ME!! ME, the creator, ME the stubborn, ME the compassionate, ME the loving, ME the empathetic, ME the giving…without forgetting ME, the ego…

OK, so it is all ME!! The ME that chooses to be disciplined the ME, that chooses to use the tools carried within. ME, to choose to cry, laugh, smile, love, give, experience or ME to choose to sit, to feel, to listen, to contribute, to follow through, to read, to hold, to let go…

Choices many choices and it is all up to ME!!!

So how happy ME gets because of choosing to do what I do!
I choose love, life, experience, kindness, giving, compassion and NO excuses, NO shame, NO regrets!! Me, truly, ME, loving life and loving this path!!

Truly breaking blueprints and turning a new leaf…. πŸ˜‰

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